Sunday, January 15, 2006

Oh My god! Thats just my thought... Please read this in continuation to the previous blog:
Exactly what do you think is the mechanism behind this 'hiring youth for fresh ideas' ??
Let me do an indepth analysis:

Ok, So here is your typical Indian Manufacturing Industry (Sorry, we would love to bring software into the pic. but i guess its out of 'portions'....not enuf experience to dissect s/w firms..)
There is the big guy - the M.D.....he's a 'forin' return... educated abroad and inherited the family business... Then the rest of the top management (some of them see ONLY wat the MD sees - its safer that way) some of whom genuinely share the MD s ideas.... Thn there is the middle management, insecure, not too young (actually another euphemism - to put it bluntly 'just old') and not too bright either, ppl who are staying here cos they cant get jobs anywhere else..... ppl who ofcourse helped bring the company up (ppl like these are around every corner - their std dialogues- rather monologues wud be 'When we were of your age do u know how much time we used to spend at office??')

Now, lets hear a meeting routine - a meeting with the HR (ya... my next blog is about the uselessness of being HR personnel)

MD: Ok, Lets get down to business guys. Lots of vacancies here.... we need more people..... youngsters are what we need for fresh ideas - (Tamizh la sollanumna 'Namma veettu ottadai adthavan kannukku thaan theriyum... my boss says this often!)

HR: Yes Sir, (std openings) We were jst discussing our vacancies.. lots of them are in the line of 'Production' and quite a few in 'Purchase', 'Sales'......

MD: Hmm... ok.... go round up freshers man... they're easier to cultivate than experienced ppl.....

HR: Yes sir..... We have made a list of the colleges - Here sir, take a look at these (passing the list)

MD: Cool it man, I dont wanna see all these things.. Thats your job!! (sheesh) Hmm...ok.. make sure the colleges are top ranked.... make sure the students are all brilliant... we dont want any dumbsters

HR: Yes sir....

So then thats final... Now these ppl come to the colleges..... they take only the so called 'best' candidates... (anyway... thats another blog topic - whtr brains are related to marks..?')
They pose tough technical questions (tough cos the person throwin them doesnt know the answers.. eh he ) and then after much deliberation theyve chosen their 15 candidates....
Joining dates are given.... and then.. lo behold! wat do we see... on the date of joining only 8 show up...... luckily the remaining had other bettr options.... and theyve run away!!! (First face loss for HR)

Now, lets see wat v have here.... bright young minds eager to learn and understand (something they cudnt do in college...) Training period is over and they're posted.....

Scene 1:

Bright Young Trainee: Sir, Why is this happening like this - Isnt there a better way to do it? Cant you touch your nose with your finger by just lifting your hand? Why do you have to take it around your head??

Boss: Eh heh.. I ve been here for 25 years.... We also used to touch our noses like that only in the beginning... But lt me tell you that wont work out... We are now in a competitive business.. this is te only way to do it.....

Already FusedOut Young Trainee: Y sir??

Boss: Eh... You find that out.... (Aside to his bum chum) - Can you believe they're paying this kid 15,000!! What a waste..... Asking me to touch my nose directly!! ha ha.... (Echoes of his friend laffing along with him)....

Exit Trainee....

First Battle Lost For Trainee.....

Many more battles to go......

End of which Trainee WINS - 'RESIGNATION'!!!!

Now what do u think is the logic behind this??

Y take up youngsters, waste money on training them? Simply cos there s no clarity in the management's thinking... whats seen by the big guys is not seen by the insecure 'middlemen'... (the word fits perfectly!!) The big boss expects results... fast ones....ideas.. and he might be willin to experiment..... but then the immediate boss cannot digest the fact that his subordinate is actually giving ideas that could be practical....But instead of looking at it this way, why cant they think objectively??- Obviously the youngster is giving ideas ONLY cos he's fresh - we all know that a fresh mind works better than a dull one.. thats y the kid who was class first in ukg will NEVER be a topper in XII std.. he he - Now, it should rather dawn on the manager that his role is to DEVELOP these ideas... doesnt matter that he is not able to think them up... he is someone who has a 'hen that lays golden eggs'.... all he has to do is make sure its laying some eggs... thats it.... The characteristic of a good manager is 'Work Delegation'...... He neednt DO anything.. he shud know WHO CAN DO WHAT!!!!

So my suggestion wud be - Train your middle management first to accept youngsters... and then ask for the youth.... Dont kill them with your conflicting organisational set up....!!!!

- Chandri


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